Unsolicited, unwanted advertising email, commonly known as “spam,” has become a big problem. It’s reached such proportions that most email services and internet service providers (ISPs) have put some sort of blocking or filtering system in place or begun relying on self-proclaimed blacklists to tell the good guys from the bad.

We applaud their intention to protect you from spam, but everyone agrees that the current systems for stopping spam are far from a perfect solution. They too often block email that you’ve requested, but that fits somebody’s idea of what spam looks like.

The more responsible anti-spam companies and activists are working hard to cut down on these false positives, but in the meantime, you might unexpectedly find you’re not getting the emails you subscribed to…

As it happens, there’s something you can do to keep the e-mails you value from falling into the spam trap. You can fight the blacklists with a whitelist. Whitelist every new subscription right at the start, before your delivery is interrupted.

Of course, every email system is different. Below are instructions for some of the more popular ones, including Gmail, AOL, Yahoo and Hotmail. If yours isn’t here, please contact your ISP’s customer service department for their instructions.

One thing you can do no matter what email system you’re using is add the address in the “From” line of the Investment U e-letter to your address book. The address is investmentu@dev.investmentu.com



To ensure you continue getting your emails from Investment U, please add our email address to your Gmail address book. Sign in to your account and do the following:

Add the Address to Your Contacts

Add investmentu@dev.investmentu.com to your Gmail Contacts. Google will usually deliver emails from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Mark Messages as “Not Spam”

If Gmail has marked emails you wish to whitelist as spam, tell Gmail the emails are not spam.

Create a Filter for the Address





To ensure you continue getting your emails from Investment U, please add our email address to your AOL Address Book. Sign in to your account and do the following:

Add the Address to Your Contacts

Add investmentu@dev.investmentu.com to your AOL Contacts. AOL will usually deliver emails from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Create a Filter for the Address



To ensure you continue getting emails from Investment U, please add our email address to your Yahoo address book. Sign in to your account and do the following:

Add the Address to Your Contacts

Add investmentu@dev.investmentu.com to your Yahoo Mail Contacts. Yahoo will usually deliver emails from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Create a Filter for the Address





To ensure you continue getting emails from Investment U, please add our email address to your Hotmail address book. Sign in to your account and do the following:

Add the Address to Your Contacts

Add investmentu@dev.investmentu.com to your Hotmail Contacts. Hotmail will usually deliver emails from addresses that are in your Contacts.

Create a Filter for the Address


Many popular email programs, including older versions of OutlookOutlook ExpressEudora and Netscape Mail, don’t provide a convenient way for you to whitelist the folks you want to receive email from. If you’re using this sort of email system and you either aren’t getting email you value or want to make sure you continue to receive it in the future, you can do something about it.

Contact customer service or the postmaster at the company that provides your email or internet connection (your ISP). Explain to them that you asked for (or paid for) and value the subscriptions that are emailed to you. Ask them if they can whitelist the sender. (Unfortunately, some email systems don’t allow whitelisting.) If they do whitelist, they’ll probably ask you for some information about the publisher. Here’s what to tell them:

Thank you for whitelisting us.